Warrior 3 Project
A podcast designed to empower men to live strong, lead strong and love strong.
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Podcasting since 2021 • 28 episodes
Warrior 3 Project
Latest Episodes
Join our host, founder, and head coach Dr. Brandon Shriner as he discusses self-control.
Discipline in how you live, lead, and love
Empowering men to live, lead and love strong. Our host and founder Dr. Brandon Shriner gives the best advice on how to be disciplined in our fitness, nutrition, leading our family and work, and how to have the best marriage. Visit us at w...
Season 4
Episode 1
Bruce Hooley with our host, Dr. Brandon Shriner
Bruce Hooley's 63rd birthday began normally, by taking his two teenage daughters to their suburban-Columbus Christian High School. An hour after dropping them off, he had his first-ever medical episode -- a seizure that soon revealed a Stage 3 ...
Dr. Greg Barnes with our host, Dr. Brandon Shriner
Join Dr. Greg Barnes and our host, head coach, and founder Dr. Brandon Shriner as they discuss nutrition fads, the importance of protein, animal protein rules, the ultimate supplement, and great habits to start your day. Dr...
Season 2
Episode 4